Safer Nicotine Products for People who Smoke
Most people who still smoke know that smoking is dangerous to them and want to quit.
They have tried and failed to quit because they have become dependent on nicotine.
Without it, they get withdrawal symptoms and cravings that lead them back to smoking.
Nicotine, separated from cigarette smoke, is a fairly harmless natural substance.
It is not the part of cigarette smoke that causes cancer, heart disease and lung disease.
In this 30 minute video a physician explains why safer nicotine products offer people who smoke new alternative sources of nicotine
that are very much less harmful than continuing to smoke, and that can help people quit smoking.
The video was originally intended for physicians and health care providers,
but is of interest to anyone who smokes or who cares for someone who smokes.

It was written by a retired medical doctor who has seen the damage that cigarette smoking can do, and has spent over 15 years working on ways to reduce the disease, disability and death caused by smoking cigarettes.

If people who smoke switch to safer sources of nicotine, they will improve their health and maybe even save their lives.
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