The Original Oyston?
Could this be the original "Oyston"? Ouston is a village near Chester-le-Street, County Durham, approximately 5 miles to the south-west of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne in the north-east of England. It was called Ulkerton in earlier medieval times. (Ref:Wikipedia). It is about 25 miles (40 km) north of Hamsterley. My family tree goes back to Evenwood and St Helen's Auckland, which are 5 miles (8km) from Hamsterley. There are several other locations in the north- east of England which go by this name.
The names Ouston, Oyston and Iceton are all ccomonest in the north-east of England. In 1891, 117 of 166 Oyston families lived in Durham. and 18 lived in Yorkshire. At the same time, 9 out of 25 Ouston families were in Durham, and 15 in Yorkshire. Thirty three of the 36 Iceton families were in Durham (all the rest were in Yorkshire). The Aystons were mainly in Yorkshire, home to 28 of the 70 Ayston families.
Could it be that the "Original Oyston" was this John Oyston, son of a Richard who took his last name from the village of Ouston? Site by
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